Bad Handwriting Driving Moms Crazy

Major problem mothers are facing these days are bad handwriting of their kids. However, summer camps are proving helpful to them.

School vacations are on and kids are enjoying summer camps to the fullest. Various Summer camps are organized throughout the city and children are on La-La-Land.

Besides fun, these camps are improving skills as well. Camp trainers have taken the responsibility of kids grooming and anxious moms are taking a sigh of relief.

Kids are involved in hobby courses like singing, dancing, painting, art, and craft, etc. Sports craze is clearly visible.

There was a time when summer camps were meant only to conduct some entertainment and hobby classes, but nowadays Improving Handwriting is a crucial thing. Organizers of summer camps considered this as important and so they added this section to their bunch of classes.  

According to these organizers, a unique class is introduced to improve the handwriting of students. Spotting the increasing number of participants in this class, we can clearly make out the headache parents are bearing due to the bad handwriting of their little ones. 

Expert Training

The principal of a renowned school in NCR states that “not only we are giving tips to improve their handwriting but also we are training them to beautify the words while writing. We are teaching them calligraphy to inculcate writing habits in them. This way they are adding words to their “mind dictionary” which is very important.

Mummies are liking the Handwriting improvement classes at a famous school in Delhi. According to a Teacher at the same school, “here at our Summer camp, we are running various classes like singing, dancing, painting, art and craft, taekwondo. We have also added a handwriting improvement training section and students in a large number have shown interest in it. It’s a new thing emerging these years but we name it a basic necessity. We are trying hard not to make it monotonous and boring but interesting and full of fun. We are giving our best.”  

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