8 simple ways to improve your kid’s handwriting

Every child has extraordinary skills and its own qualities. Not necessarily every kid holds an ability to write beautifully, handwriting style differs from child to child.

Let us make one thing very clear in our minds that handwriting beautiful or not; it does not relates to the intelligence of the kid in any way. It is just an added factor and can be improved with time and efforts. It is just a myth that handwriting is connected with hard work and brilliance. We repeat, it is just a MYTH.

But yes, the fact cannot be denied that a good handwriting is important as in India Children capabilities are evaluated on the basis of written examinations and a legible handwriting makes convenient for the examiners to correct the answer papers and give a fair marking.

But, good news is that it is an easy task now to improve handwriting of your little munchkin.  All you need is a little effort for your little love and a bit effort given by the child as well and yay…you will surely get the result you were worrying for.

Figure out-

As a parent it is your duty to check out each and every reason behind the problems of your kid. It is a tender age and whatever lack is being possessed can be rectified in this very age.

Figure out that why is the little one not able to write properly? Is he/she is in lack of concentration? Or not taking interest in writing? Is he/she making excuses for not writing when you ask him/her to do so?

If any one point is matching then find ways to add fun in his/her writing so that writing becomes a hobby for the kid.

You are an adult and with the computer keys you might have forgot the skill to write, but regain it. For the sake of your child. Write with him. Show him how much love is to write.

Is your child holding the pen/pencil properly?

A good grip is important. Look at it. May be your kid is not holding the pen or pencil properly. If it not corrected now, your child might take this posture for years. So fix it.

Teach him the proper way to hold and the pencil to the correct grip.

The pencil should be held with the thumb and the index finger (or pointer finger), mid figure should be supporting it. Pencil should be laying in between the thumb and the index figure. It shouldn’t be tight. Keep it at a comfort level.

Proportions matter-

Sometimes bad handwriting is the outcome of wrong proportions of the letters. Four liner book is available at the stationary shop. Go get them and gift it to your child. Get one for yourself too. Try working out with your kiddo. It helps in getting the right proportions.

Teach them the size of capital and small letters.

An eye on the speed

With the right speed comes good handwriting.  Is your child taking more time or very less time to complete the writing assignment? Keep an eye on the speed. Both the cases might be a reason for a not-so-good handwriting. Teach how to right well in the given time.

Remember you have to teach him very patiently. If not conveyed well, your child might lose the interest in writing. It is a gradual process that takes time. But DO NOT give up on your child.

A big NO to Pressure-

Be calm and patient with your kid. He/she is a new passenger in the journey of studies. Do not rush and pressurize the kid to do well. He will definitely take time and meanwhile you can improve your patience level.  Do not stress the adorable little one. He might lose his interest and if it happens once, you would not be able to make him regain. So better to wait.

Fun Activity-

Don’t make it boring. Find ways to add fun in the writing activity. Make games out of it. Give him writing puzzles. The dot game would be a great idea. Ask him to connect the dots and make words and then write them down.

And watch things changing in a good way.

Provide strength to wrist and fingers-

You think your kid’s wrist and fingers are not strong? Make efforts for its strength. Ask him/her to cut papers, make crafts, color the images, play with wooden blocks, and play dough or slime. These activities are good for a strong hand and a better pencil grip.

Make your kid read-

Strengthen your kid’s imagination power. It is seen that kids with good imaginary qualities write well. Narrate stories to the child. Bring good story books and allow them to read. Make an imaginary scene in your stories at the time he/she sleeps so that they may float in a beautiful world of fairies, superman, forests, animals, Disney. This will make them creative and might increase their efficiency to write well.

Good handwriting comes with practice. The more you spend time on your children, the more they write and the more they improve.

Just enjoy the beautiful phase of your parenthood and engage with them as much as you can. Transformation takes time, and this is just handwriting.

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